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Accept Order

An alternative term for an immediate-or-cancel (IOC) order; an order to buy or sell a stock with an instruction to...

Accelerated Book Building

A book building that completes in a very short period of time (e.g., a few hours). Book-building is a technique...


It stands for automatic execution suspension; with respect to an exchange trading and its control parameters/ curbs, it refers an...

Automatic Execution Suspension

With respect to an exchange trading and its control parameters/ curbs, it refers an execution halt that is triggered by...

Auto Ex Order

An order in a security that initiates an automatic execution immediately upon entry into an exchange system/ order book. Auto-ex...

Accelerated Filer

A public company that meets a set of registration requirements at the end of its fiscal year in terms of...

Actual Stop

A stop order that a client (investor) actually places with his broker and is thus found its way to the…

Authorized Shares

The maximum number of shares of stock (collectively known as capital stock), both preferred and common, that a company is…

Absorbed Issue

A new issue (initial public offering/ IPO) of securities (stock, bonds, etc) that an underwriter has entirely sold to public...


A market system in which buyers bid against each other to reach the selling price of the security or instrument…