A legally binding contract between two parties to sell/ purchase, on future delivery terms, a specific quantity of shares of…
A short-term or temporary curb which is posed on the trading of particular stock index futures contracts in order to…
An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…
A diagonal calendar call spread which is constructed by selling a long-term at-the-money call option and buying a short-term out-of-the-money…
A combination of a short call and a long put in addition to a money market position (borrowing or lending…
A call diagonal calendar spread that is designed to profit when the underlying breaks out in either direction. The profit…
A vertical spread strategy which benefits from both high and low volatilities. However, the strategy is naturally bullish. In essence,…
An option trading strategy that is constructed by selling a call option at a given strike price and buying a…
An option combination that constitutes a long position in both a call and a put which have the same expiration...
It is a combination of options whereby two calls and one put are bought on the same stock. The calls...