An interim (reset) period at the beginning (front stub period) or end (back stub period) of a floating rate instrument...
The risk that arises because of the duration of the floating leg of a swap. This occurs because once the...
An option that is artificially constructed by combining (buying and selling) other options simultaneously. This option can lower the high...
It stands for a snowball interest rate swap; a structured swap which consists of a funding leg and a coupon...
A structured swap which consists of a funding leg and a coupon payment stream, whereby the coupon payment made on...
A hybrid derivative instrument that allows investors harboring a strong feeling that rates will fall below a specific level to...
With respect to an option's strike (strike price), it refers to the situation where the implied volatility (volatility skew) remains...
With respect to an option's strike (strike price), it refers to the situation where the implied volatility (volatility skew) remains...
When the investor is pessimistic (bearish) on the price of an asset, on expectation its the price will fall, he...
A situation where the implied volatility (volatility skew) remains unchanged (i.e., it sticks) for any given delta or moneyness. Options...