A synthetic futures which is created by combining a short call option and a long put option on the same...
An option trading strategy which replicates the short selling of the underlying and involves buying a put (long put) and...
A synthetic call option that is established by combining a short put and a short stock or futures. Synthetic short...
A synthetic put option that is established by combining a short call with a long stock (long futures): Synthetic short...
A synthetic futures which is created by combining a long call option and a short put option on the same...
A synthetic option that is based on a long position in the underlying asset and a long position in a...
A type of snowballs in which the coupon is based on the previous coupon plus a strike level, with the...
A gut iron butterfly which is established by selling one call at the lowest exercise price, buying one call and...
A low volatility option strategy that involves selling in-the-money calls and in-the-money puts. This will result in a larger level...
A Christmas tree spread that involves the selling of one put option at the highest exercise price and the purchase...