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Short-Term Structured Note

A structured note whose maturity does not typically exceed 9-12 months (though at times, up to 2-3 years). The note...

Short Put Spread

An option trading strategy that is constructed by selling a put option (short put option) at a given strike price...

Standard Cliquet

A cliquet (cliquet product) that has only the basic features without any additional (exotic) elements (as opposed to exotic cliquets)....

Soft Commodity Futures

A commodity futures in which the underlying is a soft commodity such as sugar (sugar futures), soy beans (soy beans...

Semi-American Option

Another term for a Bermudan option. It is an option that can be exercised on discrete dates before expiration, such...

Semi-Fixed Swap

A combination of a fixed for floating interest rate swap with a binary option. The fixed rate leg for each...

Structured Equity Derivative

An equity derivative that is packaged (created) as a single, customized product, using standard and non-standard derivative products. Structured equity...

Steepener Trade

A credit derivatives trading strategy in which a trader attempts to avail from mispricing in credit spreads. In other words,...

Short Calendar Spread

A calendar spread that involves the purchase of an option with a further expiration and the sale of an option...

Short Calendar

A calendar spread that involves the purchase of an option with a further expiration and the sale of an option...