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Credit Deterioration

A gradual decrease in the quality (credit rating, credit quality) of a credit (a security or an issuer) or a...

Put Backspread

A variant on a bear put spread, and a strategy similar to the bull ratio spread in almost all aspects...

Partially Protected ELN

An equity-linked note (ELN) that allows the investor a full participation on the upside, while its protection on the downside...

Protection Buyer

A party to a credit default swap (or any other type of swap) that pays the other counterparty (known as...

Protection Seller

A party to a credit default swap (or any other type of swap) that takes on the credit risk of...

Partial Iron Butterfly

An iron butterfly that is biased upward or downward by selling only one of the out-of-the-money options of the strangle...

Partial Swap

A swap which partially matches the debt it was picked to alter its underlying interest rate (whether from fixed to...

Put Option Premium

The up-front price a put option buyer (long) pays to a put option seller (short) against the right to exercise...

Bond Swap Trade

A trade that consists of taking a position in a bond and an opposite position in a swap for the...

RPI Swap

A swap which involves an exchange of interest calculated by reference to the Retail Prices Index (RPI) and another reference...