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Paper Loss

It refers to unrealized capital losses in an open position in options or futures (or generally in an investment portfolio).…

Payment Floor

A path-dependent interest rate option (specifically an interest rate floor) which provides investors holding floating rate assets with protection against…

Parisian Down-and-In Option

A Parisian option in which the holder’s possibility and right to exercise is enlivened if the underlying price reaches a…

Payment Cap

A path-dependent interest rate option (specifically, an interest rate cap) which protects its holder against increases in total interest obligations…


It stands for put-call-futures parity; the relationship between the prices of calls (call options), puts (put options), and futures (futures…

Put Diagonal Calendar Spread

A diagonal calendar spread (or a calendar diagonal spread) which constitutes an option trading strategy based on the selling of...

Physical Option

An option which has a physical asset as underlying. It gives the holder the right to buy or sell a...

Put Ratio Spread

Another name for a bear ratio spread which is a variant on a bear put spread, and a strategy similar...


A trading strategy that involves the use of excess margin or "buying power", in a successful speculative endeavor, in order...

Paper Profit

It refers to unrealized capital profits in an open position in options or futures (or generally in an investment portfolio).…