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Out-of-the-Money Option

Always from buyer’s perspective, it is an option whose underlying’s market price at a given point within its time to...


An order to purchase or sell only one particular type of futures contract. That is, the order doesn't involve taking...

Option on the Minimum

An option where the holder is long put on the worst performing stock (asset) among a specified number of stocks...

Odd Date Deal

A deal involving a derivative contract whose maturity date is not associated with a standard maturity (reference point). Banks usually...

Odd Date

A date that doesn’t fall on standard maturities of forward/ futures contracts. Banks normally quote forward rates for specific standard...

One-Way Floater

A structured note (FRN) that pays a floating interest rate referenced to a popular market rate such as LIBOR. Each...

One-Touch Accrual Swap

An accrual swap in which any downward or upward slide of an underlying out of the boundaries of a specified...

Option Time Value

Also known as extrinsic or instrumental value, it is the portion left of the option value (the price) when its...

Options on Physicals

Option contracts which are written not on derivative instruments and equity assets such as futures, stocks, or indexes, but otherwise...

Option-Dated Forward

A forward exchange contract which gives the buyer the right to choose when to exchange currencies between two preset dates....