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Gilt Futures

A futures contract that has a gilt as underlying. Gilt, by definition, is a fixed-rate debt security issued by the...

Gold Futures

A futures contract that has gold as an underlying. Gold futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts in which the buyer (contract...

Gap Put Option

A gap option (specifically, a binary put option/ digital put option) that has a stated strike price different from its...

Gap Call

A gap option (specifically, a binary call option/ digital call option) that has a stated strike price different from its...

Gap Call Option

A gap option (specifically, a binary call option/ digital call option) that has a stated strike price different from its...

Gas-at-the-Pump Futures

A futures contract in which the underlying is the retail price of gasoline. The gas-at-the-pump futures is designed to track…

GP Futures

It stands for gas-at-the-pump futures. It is a futures contract in which the underlying is the retail price of gasoline....

Guaranteed Exchange Rate Forward Contract

A quanto forward whose underlying is a foreign stock and whereby the holder is allowed to isolate the effect of…

Generalized Option

An option on the minimum or maximum of two risky assets where the quantity is adjusted by a multiple of…

General Cap

An interest rate cap in which there is, contrary to a regular cap (vanilla cap), no direct dependency between the…