A derivative contract that is not typically backed by an underlying financial asset, physical commodity, index performance, index volatility, etc....
A barrier option in which the reference rate used to trigger the underlying differs from the one used to compute...
The expiration variance which is associated with an options position. In practice, there is a lag between the close of...
It stands for expected credit loss; the long-term average cost that arises from a series of defaults expected to take...
The long-term average cost that arises from a series of defaults expected to take place in a swap (or broadly...
An option which is added to another instrument as a right to exercise in relation to that instrument. However, embeddos,...
A derivative instrument that is attached to a financial instrument in combination with a host contract. The combination of a...
An option which is added to another instrument as a right to exercise in relation to that instrument. However, embedded...
A derivative instrument whose underlying value is derived from or based on a stock of equity or a stock market...
An installment option which has an equity index as underlying. The option premium is paid on a periodical basis- monthly...