The physical or actual commodity, as differentiated from the futures contract in which such a commodity is used to be…
A volatility swap with a corridor on its underlying asset/ price/ rate, etc. Corridor volatility swaps accumulate the volatility arising...
When a call option is exercised, it is said, then, to have been called. For an option on a physical…
The illegal practice whereby traders attempt to control the price of a financial security or commodity available to trade in…
An abbreviation for collateralized mortgage obligation. A mortgage-backed bond where holding investors are divided into tranches (maturity classes) and principal…
A market situation where holders of short positions attempting to cover their positions fail to find an adequate supply of…
A type of barrier option in which another barrier option is initiated when one or two preset barriers are hit/...
A type of barrier option in which another barrier option is initiated when one or two preset barriers are hit/...
All options of the same type (calls or puts) that trade on a given asset with specific expiration dates and…
An option trading strategy which involves buying a far-month call (put) option and selling more than one near-month call (put)…