A measure of the value of risk-weighted assets that is adjusted to a set of regulatory capital deductions corresponding to...
It stands for required stable funding; the amount of funding an entity (e.g., a bank) requires taking into consideration the...
The amount of funding an entity (e.g., a bank) requires taking into consideration the liquidity profile and residual maturities of...
A bank’s total available stable funding (ASF) is the portion of its capital and liabilities that is stable beyond the...
It stands for available stable funding; a bank’s total available stable funding (ASF) is the portion of its capital and...
A bilateral agreement whereby one party, the seller, sells a financial asset to another party, the buyer, to the effect...
An acronym for too big to fail; a bank, an insurance firm, or any type of financial institution that are...
A bank, an insurance firm, or any type of financial institution that are identified by a regulatory authority as potentially...
It stands for contingent capital note; a type of contingent convertible (CoCo)- contingent convertible bond- that is designed to automatically...
A type of contingent convertible (CoCo)- contingent convertible bond- that is designed to automatically recapitalize systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs)...