The capital of a bank or financial institution that is long term or long-lasting as long as it is a...
The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A pro-cyclical...
The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A procyclical...
An acronym for paid-in capital; the total amount of cash or other assets that shareholders have paid a bank in...
The total amount of cash or other assets that shareholders have paid a bank in exchange for shares of its...
An instrument or tool that is deployed and applied by a central bank (regulatory authority) with the aim to increase...
A short-term interest rate, often an overnight rate, that banks charge one another for funds borrowed over short periods of...
An open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities (eligible securities) by a central bank for...
An acronym for permanent open market operation; an open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities...
An open market operation (OMO) that involves outright purchases or sales of securities (eligible securities) by a central bank for...