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Regulatory Control

A type of control that governments and other public sector bodies, including supranational organizations, may have by virtue of their...


Money that is owned to an entity by its customers for economic resources (goods/ services) that have been sold and...

Realized Gains or Losses

The gains/ losses that arise from selling an equity security/ instrument, being the difference between the original acquisition price and...

Re-Issuance Restatement

A type of accounting restatement that involves the correction of a material error to the prior period financial statements, requiring...

Revision Restatement

A type of accounting restatement that involves the correction of an immaterial error to the prior period financial statements. Notwithstanding...

Restatement of a Financial Statement

The revision and re-release of the financial statements of a prior period because of changes in accounting principles arising out...


The revision and re-release of the financial statements of a prior period because of changes in accounting principles arising out...


The change in the classification of a financial asset due to a change in an entity's business model (BM) or...

Reclassification Date

The first day in the reporting period in which a new or changed business model (BM) is applied by an...

Residual Interest

The owners' rights in an entity's assets after deducting all its liabilities. Residual interest reflects the amount of equity (owners'...