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Held for Sale

A category or designation of assets that an entity currently holds on its balance sheet but plans to sell in...

Discontinued Operation

A component of an entity or a group that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for...

Hold To Collect and Sell Model

A business model with an objective to contractual cash flows from financial assets and sell these assets any time during...

Hold To Collect and Sell Business Model

A business model with an objective to contractual cash flows from financial assets and sell these assets any time during...

True Sale

An accounting concept that relates to the sale of assets by outright title transfer. It denotes a sale where the...

Hold To Collect Model

A business model that an entity applies with the objective to hold a financial asset for the purpose of collecting...

Hold To Collect Business Model

A business model that an entity applies with the objective to hold a financial asset for the purpose of collecting...

OBS Exposure

It stands for off-balance sheet exposure; any item that carries a risk of financial loss (and its corresponding revenue generation...

Designated as at Fair Value through Profit and Loss

Designating an item as at fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL); a method of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities...

Off-Balance Sheet Exposure

Any item that carries a risk of financial loss (and its corresponding revenue generation or profit making potential). An exposure...