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Amortized Asset

An asset (typically a financial asset/ intangible asset) that is subject to an amortization scheme whereby its amortized cost is...

Amortizable Asset

An asset (typically a financial asset/ intangible asset) that is subject to an amortization scheme whereby its amortized cost is...

Amortized Cost

The monetary amount at which a financial asset or financial liability is measured at the time it is first recognized...


An entity that is controlled by another entity (known as the parent or parent company). The controlling entity/ parent can...


It stands for arm's length principle; a market standard that assumes a normal transaction to be one which is entered...

Arm’s Length Principle

A market standard that assumes a normal transaction to be one which is entered into by and between two unrelated...

Arm’s Length Transaction

A transaction which is entered into by and between two unrelated and well-informed parties, that is, those who have no...


The systematic process of allocating the amortized amount/ amortized cost (the principal) of a financial asset (broadly any intangible asset)...

Normal Cost

The regular costs which are incurred by an entity in the normal conditions of operation. Normal cost consists of actual...

Interim Financial Statement

A complete or condensed financial report/ financial statement that is prepared for a period shorter than a financial year (accounting...