An accounting estimate that is not made on a routine basis or as part of a routine practice or policy....
A transaction (or a type of transaction) that occurs only on a time-to-time basis or periodically, but not as a...
An accounting estimate that is not made on a routine basis or as part of a routine practice or policy....
An accounting estimate that is not made on a routine basis or as part of a routine practice or policy....
It stands for net selling price; a measurement base and valuation measure that captures the selling price of an asset...
A measurement base and valuation measure that captures the selling price of an asset (or a broadly an item), calculated...
It stands for net interest income; the difference between interest receivable on financial assets classified as loans and receivables or...
The difference between interest receivable on financial assets classified as loans and receivables or available-for-sale (AFS) and interest payable on...
The main place in which an entity's accounting transactions are recorded, specifically all non-personal accounts such as cash book, petty...
An instrument whose value or performance changes in reaction to non-financial risks, broadly certain non-financial variables. Simply speaking, it denotes...