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Monetary Liability

A liability whose value is measured and stated in monetary terms (cash amounts). As such, it is a fixed obligation...


It stands for market risk premium; in accounting, market risk premium basically has two distinct meanings: "market risk" premium and...

Market Risk Premium

In accounting, market risk premium basically has two distinct meanings: "market risk" premium and market "risk premium". A "market risk"...

Monetary Asset

A type of financial asset that constitutes money (cash) held in, and assets whose value can be converted into, a...

Most Advantageous Market

The market that maximizes the amount that would be received from sale of an asset or minimizes the amount that...

Minority Interest

A stake in an entity that constitutes less than 50% of the total shares that are controlled by voting rights....


It stands for market value added; a measure of value that uses the notion of market value: it compares an...

Market Value Added

A measure of value that uses the notion of market value: it compares an entity's current market value with the...

Market Value

Though not an accounting measure of value, market value can be broadly defined as a middle-ground price between a buyer...

Market Risk

The risk that arises from any fluctuations in the fair value of a financial instrument or future cash flows associated...