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Little R Restatement

A type of accounting restatement that involves the correction of an immaterial error to the prior period financial statements. Notwithstanding...

Liquidity Ratio

An accounting ratio that relates an entity's current assets, liquid assets, or highly liquid assets (absolute liquid assets) to its...

Liquidity Risk

Broadly speaking, it is the risk that losses may be incurred due to difficulty converting assets into money. More specifically,...

Line Item

The distinct title of an accounting entry or account as it appears on its own line in a bookkeeping ledger...

Lifetime ECL

It stands for lifetime expected credit losses; the expected credit losses (ECL) that would result from all possible default events...

Lifetime Expected Credit Losses

The expected credit losses that would result from all possible default events to occur over the entire expected life of...

Long-Term Liability

A synonym for noncurrent liability; a liability that is not a current liability. By nature, it is a liability (financial...

Long-Term Asset

A synonym for non-current asset; an asset that is not a current asset; typically, it has a long-term life and...

Liability FV

The fair value of a liability is the price that would be paid to transfer a liability in an orderly...

Liability Fair Value

The fair value of a liability is the price that would be paid to transfer a liability in an orderly...