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Share price for a share sold without the right to receive a dividend, rights issue, or any other current issue....

Economic Depreciation

A type of depreciation that reflects the decline in an asset’s market value as a result of economic factors, such...

Exit Value of an Asset

The exit value of an asset is the monetary amount that the asset could be exchanged for if sold currently...


An accounting transaction (and an element of an entity’s income statement) that reflects the consumption of an asset (broadly, an...


In accounting, equity has specific meanings depending on context. Most commonly, it refers to the difference between an entity's assets...

External Audit

An audit that is carried out by an external auditor as per the requirements of a statute- a statute is...

Equity Ratio

A ratio that relates tangible net worth to total tangible assets. It reflects the extent to which tangible assets are...

Equity Claim

A claim to a share of earnings left over after debt obligations have been settled. In general, equity claim represents...

Ex-Post Audit

The process of conducting financial audits and other checks for the purpose of verifying whether the costs presented in the...

Ex-Post Control

The process of conducting financial audits and other checks for the purpose of verifying whether the costs presented in the...