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Cash-and-Carry Shell Corporation

A shell corporation that is offered for sale in return for cash. Usually, this is the case when the owners…


A market system in which buyers bid against each other to reach the selling price of the security or instrument…

Capped European-Style Call

A type of barrier options which is associated with a strike price and a cap barrier above the strike price.…

Cash Neutrality

In the context of portfolio or program trading, it refers to the process of balancing buys (long positions) and sells…

Shubhat al-Riba

Arabic (شبهة الربا) for potentiality of riba or suspicion of existing of riba in a transaction or dealing. In other…

Closing Bell

An audible signal like that of a bell or simply a buzzer sound that announces the end of the regular…


Or kafalah in Arabic. It denotes an act by which a third party to a contract or transaction accepts to…


The divine guidance and precepts which are given and outlined by the Holy Qur’an, sent down by Allah, and the…

Conversion Price

The price per share basis which is used to calculate the number of shares of common stock the holder of…

Spot Murabaha

A murabaha transaction that is arranged with no deferral of payment. In this case, the seller only receives a mark-up…