A clause in a commutative contract (aqd mu’awadhah) that stipulates that an agreed amount of money shall be paid to…
A technique used to test how well (or badly) the Value at Risk (VaR) estimates would have performed using historical…
An option in which the average underlying price is computed over a subinterval of the trading period, rather than the…
A public shell that has been formed either through issuance of shares following a bankruptcy (these shares are publicly tradable under…
A form of tawarruq (Islamic monetization) which is sought per se as a mode of investment or financing, rather than…
An option strategy that combines a bull spread and a bear spread, each with a different exercise price. This strategy…
A development stage company that has no specific business plan or whose business plan is confined to merging with or…
A type of waqf (specifically, incorporated waqf) whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of individuals (beneficiaries) such...
A range note that pays the holder an extra coupon for each period when the underlying index moves above a…
If the seller in a murabaha transaction manages to obtain, as a purchaser, a discount on the object of sale…