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Mezzanine Fund

A private equity fund which focuses on mezzanine financing, i.e., it uses subordinated debt with some degree of equity participation…

Equivalent Martingale Measure

A risk-neutral measure that is used to price derivative contingent claims such as average rate options by implementing stochastic discount…

Road Show

The final stage that consummates an initial public offering, specifically when an underwriting syndicate has been assured by solid commitments…

Extinguishable Option

An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…

Tax-Exempt Bond

A bond (specifically a municipal bond) whose holder is exempted from paying taxes on its interest income. This bond is…

Escalating Rate Swap

A variant on an off-market swap in which the fixed rate increases according to a predetermined schedule over the life…

Tax-Free Bond

A bond that is fully exempted from taxation on its interest payment. The interest income on this bond, generally issued…


An abbreviation for dynamic portfolio swap; a credit portfolio derivative, specifically a portfolio default swap in which the protection buyer may…


An action whereby the U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) cuts back- or taper- its bond purchases. Usually, the Fed buys…

Deferred Start Swap

A swap which initiates at a forward start date. The fixed rate of the swap is agreed upon at the…