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Blind Trust

A trust that results from a fiduciary third party, such as an investment bank, money management firm or other trustee,…

Public Fund

A private equity fund which seeks financing for the purpose of promoting economic development in a specific region or country.…

Event-Linked Swap

A swap agreement in which a contingent payment on one leg is linked to a trigger event, such as a…


Arabic (محاباة) for deference in a transaction. More specifically, it means a favor extended in an exchange-based transaction, either by…


The value of one share in an investment company. Investors buy shares in investment companies, with each share entitling its…

Electricity Rate Swap

A commodity-linked swap in which an electricity consumer (the swap buyer) has its electric bill paid by a counterparty (the…

Makhraj Share’e

An Arabic term (مخرج شرعي) for shari’ah-compliant alternatives or solutions or way-out to come around a prohibition or a deadlock…

Net Asset Value

The value of one share in an investment company. Investors buy shares in investment companies, with each share entitling its…

Exchange-Traded Equity Index Futures

An equity index futures that is traded on a regulated futures exchange. More specifically, it is a standardized futures contract…


In general, it refers to all sale transactions that are executed on a commercial basis (i.e., for the sake of…