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Exchangeable Zero-Coupon Swap

A zero-coupon swap in which the fixed rate receiver sells a third party (a dealer) an embedded option to convert…


The dollar amount that is raised during an initial public offering (IPO) process. An issuer will be keen to maximize…

Escrow Receipt

A certificate which is issued by a bank to confirm that a customer, who has written a call option, actually…


A short form for pink sheet shells (pink sheet shell companies). By definition, a pink is a type of public…

Eurodollar Futures Strip

A position in successive Eurodollar (ED) futures contracts. For example, a Eurodollar futures strip may be constructed by taking a…

Exchange for Swap

A technique whereby banks can avoid taking physical delivery of commodities. It is similar to an exchange of futures for…

Buying Forward

An investment strategy that involves the buying of shares, commodities, money market instruments or currencies in expectation of a price…

Electricity Futures

A futures contract whereby one counterparty is under obligation to buy from, or sell to, another counterparty a standardized amount…

Eurodollar Futures Stack Hedge

A stack hedge that uses Eurodollar futures. The hedger stacks a number of these futures for subsequent periods in one…

Gestation RP

A reverse repurchase (RP) agreement by which a mortgage firm sells federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) to a securities dealer…