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Convertible Asset Swap

An asset swap whose underlying is a convertible security. In terms of composition, it is a combination of an asset…

Small-Cap Stock

A stock that is issued by a company with a market capitalization of more than $300 million and less than…

Callable LIBOR Exotic Product

An interest rate derivative which gives its holder a multiple exercise option to exercise into various underlying interest rate instruments.…

Cap Floater Swap

An interest rate swap in which both legs are based on floating rates. One leg is capped, that is, the…

Soft Dollars

The payment for brokerage firm services that is secured by commissions received from trades. More specifically, an investor who has…

Call Option Spread

An option strategy whereby the same number of call options are simultaneously bought and sold at certain strike prices to…


A market situation that occurs when price decreases incites traders holding long positions to sell their ways out of their…

Convexity Hedge

An hedged position in which the investor purchases more than one call option for each unit of the underlying he…

Sell-Side Trader 

A trader who provides exchange services to buy-side traders (or investors). Sell-side traders either trade on behalf of their clients…

Garmen-Kohlhagen Option Pricing Model 

An option valuation model which is used for pricing foreign currency options. It is similar in form to the Black-Scholes…