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Advance Refunding Bond

A bond which is mainly issued to refinance previously issued bonds that carry higher coupons than current market. An advance…

Information Statement

A form that is used to file with the securities and exchange authorities (the SEC) in lieu of a proxy…

Assumable Mortgage

A mortgage that can be transferred to another borrower. This mortgage (often shortened to assumable) let a future buyer of…

Ba’i al-Wadhee’ah

A contract of sale (ba’i or bay’) in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the…

Growth Company

A company whose earnings are growing at a faster rate than other companies in the industry or the boarder economy.…

Ba’i al-Sinin

Arabic (بيع السنين) for a type of sale (ba’i) in which the underlying object is an agricultural produce (such as…

Non-Deferred Floored Put

A floored put whose payoff is received instantaneously by the option holder. The payoff is a cash amount equal to…

Gold Bug

A person who supports gold, and its financial products such as gold certificates and gold ETFs, as an investment and…

Ba’i al-Muwasafah

The sale (ba’i) of goods that have not been actually or constructively possessed by the seller. This involves the sale…


Arabic (تخصيص) for allocation of a public property for public use/ utility. This happens when government authorities earmark and allocate…