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Memorandum of Understanding for Mudarabah Financing

Mudarabah is a form of sharakah (partnership) in profit (ribh) whereby one party (rab al-mal) provides capital and the other…

Nazher Al-Waqf

Arabic (ناظر الوقف) for the manager of waqf (Islamic endowment); the custodian of an endowment (waqf) who undertakes responsibility for…

Non-Possessory Pledge

From a shari’a perspective, it is permissible to leave a pledged asset, with respect to a credit transaction, in the…

Mudaraba Capital

The capital that is provided by rab al-mal in a mudaraba contract. Put another way, it is the amount of…

Main Sources of Shari’a

Shari’a holds the center stage of Islamic religion as it defines the route Muslims have to follow in matters of…

Mulkiyet al-Khadamat

The right (haqq) to a service that is held by the service purchaser. Examples of services include education, travel, transportation,…

European Futures Call Option

A European futures option that grants the holder the right, without the obligation, to buy the underlying futures contract. The…

Eurobond Option

An option that allows the holder to take either a long and or short credit position so as to hedge…

ETF Option

An option to sell or buy an ETF before a certain date at a set price. Unlike other types of…

Bay’ ala al-Bay’

A situation that arises when a sale is concluded over a previous sale. More specifically, it is the case when…