A type of bond that provides its holder, in addition to the recourse to the issuer, with a preferential claim...
A debt instrument that is classified as ranking below other classes of debt instrument in terms of claims on an...
Additional tier-1 (AT-1) securities are hybrid instruments that rank between common equity tier-1 (CET-1) and subordinated debt (tier 2). Banks...
A type of REIT (real estate investment trust) that operates on the basis of purchasing an income-generating unit of commercial...
An acronym for money market fund; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a type of mutual fund...
It stands for additional tier-1 security; additional tier-1 (AT-1) securities are hybrid instruments that rank between common equity tier-1 (CET-1)...
An individual/ entity that has deposited funds with an Islamic bank (IFI), via Shari'ah-compliant profit-sharing investment accounts that provide an...
A category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a type of mutual fund or similar structure investing in the...
A money market vehicle (MMV) is a structure or arrangement (e.g., a fund) that provides exposure to money market movements....
An investing strategy (style) that involves buying stocks (or broadly, assets) that are undervalued relative to their intrinsic value (fundamental...