Tier-1 capital is a layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests,...
A situation that takes place when a concession is made by a lending entity (a bank, financial institution) on the...
A type of risk (price risk) that embodies the possible alternation in the fair value (FV) of a position or...
A default free security that generates "default flow" cash flows (interest payments) over a span of certain period. By nature,...
A type of risk (price risk) that embodies the possible alternation in the fair value (FV) of a position or...
A value at risk (VaR) that represents the sum of individual components' VaRs of a portfolio. As opposed to diversified...
A default free security that generates "default flow" cash flows (interest payments) over a span of certain period. By nature,...
A value at risk (VaR) that represents the sum of individual components' VaRs of a portfolio. As opposed to diversified...
The interest rate which is set and used by banks and financial institutions as a basis for determining their lending...
A value at risk (VaR) that measures the amount of loss a diversified portfolio stands to make under certain conditions...