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Public Shell Company

A company that has shareholders but has no minimal assets on its balance sheet and doesn't achieve a minimal amount...

Average Floor

An interest rate floor the rate of which is an average of the reference rate over a specific period of...

Credit Spread Call Option

A credit spread option which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy a defaultable reference bond...

Basket Credit Event Binary Option

By definition, it is a cash-settled call option whose underlying is a basket of reference entities (known also as basket...

Basket CEBO

A shortcut for basket credit event binary option. By definition, it is a cash-settled call option whose underlying is a...


It stands for a bounded floor. A modified interest rate floor in which the total payout is limited (bounded). The...

BMA Swap Curve

The expected future values of the Bond Market Association (BMA) index, where expectations are taken in the corresponding forward probability...

Cross Trade

A transaction (trade) that is executed on the floor of an exchange by just one broker who simultaneously acts both...

Crossed Trade

An illegal and prohibited practice by which a broker offsets buy and sell orders without reporting the trade to the...


It stands for a bounded cap; a modified interest rate cap in which the total payout is limited (bounded). The...