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Financial Law

Ratio Decidendi

Latin (plural rationes decidendi)) for “reasons or rationale for the decision.” In other words, it is the legal principle or rationale on which a decision (e.g., judicial) is based and issued. It constitutes a key factual point or chain of reasoning, in a case, on which the final judgment or verdict is determined. The ratio decidendi of a case does not constitute the actual decision, order, or judgment.

The ratio decidendi establishes a precedent, which is the legal principle used by the court in issuing a verdict on the legal case defined by the available facts. This legal principle is an abstraction from such facts in the context of the proceedings. A court may use earlier cases as precedent, stipulating that the parties to the case clearly interpret the ratio decidendi of the earlier case.

This section covers all terminology and concepts relating to law and regulation of the financial sector in an economy. This includes law ...
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