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Force Majeure

Literally, French for "greater force." It refers to any extraordinary event or circumstance that is beyond the control of the...

A Posteriori

A Latin expression that translates as "from the latter", usually referring to reasoning that is applied backward from an effect...


Latin for a situation or fact that is taken into consideration "after the event". In other words, ex-post involves an...


Latin for a situation or fact that is taken into consideration "before the event". In other words, ex-ante involves an...

Ultra Vires

Latin for "beyond legitimate powers." It refers to an act or conduct (e.g., a transaction) by a corporation or its...

Unilateral Contract

A contract that entails the payment of an amount of money in exchange for performance of a promised act. The...

Undivided Interest

A jointly held interest, by two persons or more, in a property held under the same title. The undivided interest...

Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent

A template settlement agreement that is issued and promulgated by FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, USA. The agreement is...


An acronym for a template settlement agreement known as an acceptance, waiver, and consent agreement (issued and promulgated by FINRA,...

Contract Risk

A subset of the legal risk; contract risk refers to the risk that losses may be incurred by an entity...