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Ba’i al-Subrah

A type of sale (ba'i) in which a heap of grains or any other commodity (dates, cotton, etc), in Arabic...


An Islamic measure of weight (also, ritl; in Arabic script رطل) that has many versions, mainly including: 1) Makkan ratl...

Ba’i al-Sifah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which the transaction is effected based on detailed description of the object of sale....

Ba’i al-Istislam

A case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes it as a given)....

Ijarah ala al-A’amal

A type of ijarah contract in which the underlying usufruct (manfa'ah) is a person’s work, effort, expertise, etc. According to...

Islamic Interbank Benchmark Rate

A Shari’a-compliant reference rate for the cost of funding in Islamic money markets. Islamic finance prohibits interest (riba) and shuns...

Islamic Credit Card

A shari'a-compliant credit card which provides a revolving credit facility within a credit limit and during a credit period determined...

Ijarah Mausufah Fi Zhimmah

An ijarah contract whose underlying is an unidentified unit of asset that will be leased at a future date. It...

Wakalah bil Ajr

Arabic (وكالة بالأجر) for paid agency; a wakalah in which remuneration (ajr or iwadh) is explicitly stipulated and specified in...


Arabic (تقرير) for tacit approval. It refers to what the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) approved, verbally or silently, in the actions...