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Islamic Finance

Ba’i al-Barnamaj

Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (ba’i) of the units of a fungible commodity or product (mal mithli) where the seller provides the buyer with a full description or a sample of the units (in a catalogue or list of contents) in order to avoid inspection of all the units in question. The buyer only inspects a sample of the units and relies on the seller assurances that all the units are identical in terms of quality and features. An example is the sale of 100 chairs where the buyer inspects only a sample of one or two without having to inspect the entire lot.

This sale is also known as ba’i bil al-barnamaj or ba’i al-namuzhaj.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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