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Unsecured Debt Security

A type of fixed-income security that is not backed by collateral. It is backed only by the creditworthiness of the...

Unsecured Debt Instrument

A type of fixed-income security that is not backed by collateral. It is backed only by the creditworthiness of the...

Upside Beta

A measure of beta that reflects a stock's price movement during an upward trend. In this sense, it is a...

Uncommitted Facility

A loan facility (e.g. a credit line) whereby the two parties (lender and borrower) have a large degree of discretion...

Uncapped Capital Protection

A capital protection that is not subject to a cap. It provides great downside protection but has a lesser upside...


It stands for uncapped call; an uncapped capital protection product that replicates the payoff of a call option. It offers...

Uncapped Call

An uncapped capital protection product that replicates the payoff of a call option. It offers uncapped capital protection. It means...


The index of US government bonds with a 9-month maturity (9-month notes or in general 9-month treasuries). It measures the...


The index of US government bonds with a 6-month maturity (6-month notes or in general 6-month treasuries). It measures the...


The index of US government bonds with a 3-month maturity (3-month notes or in general 3-month treasuries). It measures the...