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Blind Brokering

A type of brokerage (brokering) in which anonymity is maintained for both sides of a transaction/ deal/ order (buyer and seller) by involving a third-party broker (blind brokers) for matching and execution. Blind brokering fosters a sense of fairness in the market, as it is the norm of all securities trades in which the identities of both the buyer and the seller are not revealed to each other. In other words, market participants cannot premeditate transactions based on subjective factors, as the only logic under a blind market setting is the right price at the right time.

Most transactions on an exchange (public venues) take place on a blind brokering basis. The only exception is when broker-dealers sell securities, out of their inventories, to their own customers

This section covers a wide-ranging array of terms and concepts, among others, in the area of exchanges and financial marekts at large ...
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