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Islamic Finance


A proclamation by two persons of their intent to enter into a contract (aqd) in the future whose effects will pertain to them. The Maliki school of thought (mazhab) defined al-muwa’adah (المواعدة) as an announcement by each party whereby promising the other of some act or performance to be done or undertaken in the future (i.e., reciprocally or bilaterally, rather than unilaterally). If only one party makes a promise to the other, the arrangement would be called ‘idah (عدة) or wa’ad (وعد)- i.e., unilateral promise/ promising.

An example of al-muwa’adah is a bilateral promise in currency exchange (المتاجرة في العملات). The ruling (hukm) of al-muwa’adah differs from case to case (or issue to issue).

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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