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Islamic Finance


An Arabic term (فتوى) that denotes “juristic opinion“. It is a religious decree, edict, or legal ruling which is issued by an Islamic scholar(s) or cleric(s) in response to a query brought forth by an inquirer, whether an individual or institution. This opinion is typically meant to give a shari’a ruling with respect to a specific question or matter (masa’alah), existing or prospective. Fatwas (or fatawa- plural of fatwa) are based on specialized knowledge of the shari’ah sources (Quran, sunna, qiyas, etc), and are given orally or in writing. For example, a fatwa may be sought in order to know the shari’ah ruling on a specific financial transaction, especially newly emerging dealings (such as tawarruq and ‘einah in recent years).

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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