Also floating rate note (FRN). It is a note bearing a variable interest rate which is usually readjusted every six...
An interest rate swap (fixed for floating rate swap) in which the floating rate is calculated by raising the LIBOR...
A floater that pays a coupon whose amount depends on the times a floating rate (such as LIBOR) remains within...
It stands for floating rate tranche; a CMO tranche in which the monthly coupon rate is typically set equal to...
A CMO tranche in which the monthly coupon rate is typically set equal to a reference rate such as LIBOR....
A loan whose interest rate payments change over the life of the loan. Typically, the floating interest rate is tied...
An accrual swap in which any breach (touch) of the range upper or lower boundary terminates all further potential for...
A debt instrument (such as a bond, note, etc) in which the coupon rate depends on some multiple of the...
An acronym for cross-currency cross-index basis swap; A cross-currency swap in which one party pays a floating rate (LIBOR) denominated...
A hybrid derivative instrument that is used by investors willing to bet on rising rates in a binary (digital) fashion....