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TAR Note

It stands for target redemption note; an index linked note that terminates whenever a maturity is reached or the total...

TAR Swap

It stands for target redemption swap: a swap- or virtually a series of forward contracts- whereby the agreement terminates when...


It stands for target redemption option; an exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of...

TAR Option

It stands for target redemption option; an exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of...

Target Redemption Option

An exotic option that gives the holder the right to receive a stream of payments up to a maximum total...

Target Redemption Swap

A swap- or virtually a series of forward contracts- whereby the agreement terminates when the total sum of the positive...

Target Redemption Note

An index linked note that terminates whenever a maturity is reached or the total amount paid on the structured coupon...

Third-Order Greeks

A third-order greek is a third-order derivative of the option value with respect to some variable. Equivalently, it is the...

Third-Party Warrant

A warrant that is issued by a third party, rather than the issuer of underlying securities. The third party is...

Tailing Adjustment

An adjustment that is made to the number of futures contracts used in hedging a position in order to accommodate...