An exotic option that has the ratio of two assets as underlying. The payoff of the option is based on...
A forward contract which allows the holder to receive an unidentified amount of the underlying, depending on a price denominated...
A path-dependent interest rate option (specifically, an interest rate cap) which protects its holder against increases in total interest obligations...
A credit default swap (CDS) in which the swap premium payments, and/or the cashflows in the case of default, are...
The premium differential (CDS premium) between credit default swaps (CDS) that have the same reference entities (reference assets) but differ...
An swaption that gives the holder, already a counterparty to a quanto swap, the right, without the obligation, to cancel...
A quanto option which gives the holder the right to sell a foreign asset (e.g., a share of stock) and...
A forward rate agreement (FRA) in which the notional principal amount is denominated in a currency other than the currency...
A swap that pays the return on a foreign equity investment (like a share of stock) against payment based on...
A quanto option which gives the holder the right to buy a foreign asset (e.g., a share of stock) and...