A bank reserve whose information is disclosed in detail to the public or stakeholders. Disclosed reserves are created by a...
The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A pro-cyclical...
The tendency of financial variables to fluctuate, as per a certain pattern or trend, during the economic cycle. A procyclical...
Loan to value ratio; a ratio that relates the amount borrowed (a loan amount) to the value of the asset...
Loan to value ratio; a ratio that relates the amount borrowed (a loan amount) to the value of the asset...
A ratio that relates the amount borrowed (a loan amount) to the value of the asset used as collateral. It...
A type of ratio cap, and part of borrower-based measures (instruments or tools) that sets a cap on a bank's...
A type of ratio cap, and part of borrower-based measures (instruments or tools) that sets a cap on a bank's...
A cycle responsive provisioning that is designed to help a bank deal with the effect of procyclicality. Dynamic loan loss...
A type of policy instrument (tool / measure) that aims to contribute to the safeguarding of the stability of the...